WMS - WINKGEN Medical SYSTEMS und COMECER auf der PharmaTechnica.

Visit us on Pharma Congress Production & Technology in Dusseldorf.

The Pharma Congress Production & Technology is the largest of its kind in Europe. Today it is the most important industry meeting place for staff and managers from the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production as well as from technical service providers.

We will present innovative radiopharmacy system technology and solutions from COMECER in conjunction with our engineering services.


Crowne Plaza (formerly Swissôtel) Dusseldorf / Neuss.
“Jupiter Saal” – Stand 30


#wms #winkgen #pharmatechnica #pharmakongress #comecer #atmp

WMS – WINKGEN Medical SYSTEMS and COMECER at PharmaTechnica in Dusseldorf / Neuss 24.-25.03.2020 – Stand 30
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